Fibromyalgia syndrome affects muscles and soft tissue. The condition is primarily characterized by a deep, sharp, dull, throbbing or aching pain felt in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The next major complaint of fibromyalgia is fatigue. Chronic fatigue sometimes make patients feel like they are run down or have symptoms of the flu. Lastly, there is the presence of trigger points, tissue around joints that are tender when pressed with a finger.

The treatment of fibromyalgia includes a combination of therapies. There are medications, alternative remedies, and lifestyle habits that may help reduce the pain associated with fibromyalgia and improve sleep. A physician may prescribe an antidepressant or pain medication to help deal with the pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Physical therapy may also be recommended through the use of moist heat, exercise, relaxation techniques, and stress reduction. There is no one modality that will effectively treat fibromyalgia pain, only a combination is the key to managing this condition.

Daily activities and trauma can also damage muscle tissue in a certain area. People suffering from musculoskeletal pain often times complain that their entire bodies ache. Their muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked, and can twitch or burn. This type of pain can also cause fatigue and sleeplessness. Many times, patients receive pain relief from different techniques of manual therapy. Some patients may also benefit from mobilization if they suffer from spinal alignment problems.